1529, Triunfo do Inverno
Song of the three sirens, (lines 865-876)

(poem). Hope.

Though life be full of sorrow,
Yet never hope be lost
Nor by despair be crossed :
Death only has no morrow.

And if in grief and pain
Our whole life seem to sink,
Still some cure may we think
To find if life remain.

And since brings double joy
Calm to the tempest-tossed,
So never hope be lost
Till death come to destroy.

Por más que la vida pene
no se pierda el esperanza
porque la desconfianza
sola la muerte la tiene.

Si fortuna dolorida
tuviere quien bien la sienta
sentirá que toda afrenta
se remedia con la vida.

Y pues doble gloria tiene
después del mal la bonanza
no se pierda el esperanza
en cuanto muerte no viene.

1529, Triunfo do Inverno
INVERNO (Winter) calls on sirens do not sing more...

(extracts from speech). Winter to the sirens.

Sing no more, for love of me,
Sirens, sing no more, I pray,
For my fiercest enemy,
Even Spring, is come this way,
And Love in his company.

Here no more may I delay ;
But for you still shall the sea
From the heat a refuge be
If your wish be here to stay.

Serenas por mi amor
que no cantéis más os pido
porqu'el Verano es venido
mi enemigo mayor
y capitán de Cupido.

Esperallo no me cale
vos os podréis quedar
y acoger a la mar
si la tierra no os vale.